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       Volume 38 Issue 6, 25 June 2021 Previous Issue  
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    Research on Teaching Reform of Applied Mathematical Statistics to Improve Graduate Students' Data Analysis Skills   Collect
    HUANG Bin
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 1-4.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.001
    Abstract     PDF(279KB)

    The teaching reform of Applied Mathematical Statistics is discussed in this paper by analyzing teaching content, teaching methodologies, practical training and course resource construction, aiming at the problems in the teaching process and the requirements of the educational objectives.On the premise of consolidating the theory, we concentrate on the statistical application and conduct case study to stimulate students' passion for learning. This education reform will help graduate students enhance their awareness of practice and application as well as improve their abilities in operating software and analyzing data, so as to meet the research requirements of statistical application.

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    Research and Practice of probability and statistics teaching based on mobile internet platform   Collect
    ZHAO Ying, FAN Xiaodong, ZHANG Qingchun
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 5-9.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.002
    Abstract     PDF(299KB)

    By taking advantage of high efficiency and convenience of the internet, we change our teaching philosophy, improve our teaching ability, and perfect the mechanism of assessment. We lead students to participate actively in teaching and learning activities, achieve the purpose of fully arouse their enthusiasms and desires, and cultivate innovative spirit and innovative ability of students.

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    From the perspective of new engineering, the reform and practice of integrating the ideological and political education into the teaching of environmental science courses —— Taking Ecology as an example   Collect
    ZOU Jiying, LIU Hui, DONG Chunxin, CHEN Libo, SHEN Shibin, JIAN Yinghong, SUN Yan, LI Wanghai
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 10-13.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.003
    Abstract     PDF(1068KB)

    Ideological and political education is one of the important ways to help students establish a correct outlook on life and values. It is imperative to integrate ideological and political education into professional education. Taking the course of ecology as an example, this paper combines the teaching contents and objectives of the course with the ideological and political education of the course, and analyzes the degree of achievement of the course objectives by means of questionnaire survey. More than 95% of the students have achieved the course objectives, which makes the students have a deep understanding of the boring theoretical content and constantly enhance the awareness of ecological environment protection. The purpose of Ideological and political course is to improve the moral education effect of ecology classroom teaching, and provide reference for other courses.

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    Analysis of problems in curriculum ideological and political construction in colleges and universities-- Take the course of Finance as an example   Collect
    JIN Yanhong
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 14-18.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.004
    Abstract     PDF(324KB)

    Taking the curriculum ideological and political education reform as the background and the curriculum ideological and political construction of finance major as an example, this paper summarizes the research and practice of the curriculum ideological and political construction in colleges and universities from the aspects of curriculum objective, curriculum content and effect evaluation. At the same time, the change of ideological and political education from "ideological and political curriculum" to "ideological and political in curriculum" is a systematic reform of teaching methods, and all the reforms have basic contradictions and laws. This paper puts forward some obstacles in the course ideological and political construction, such as the lag of educational materials and the delay of teaching reform, in order to better realize the overall planning and promotion of the whole course education and the whole subject education.

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    Research on the Integration Mechanism of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in the Whole Value Chain of Local Applied Undergraduate Universities   Collect
    ZHANG Lei, Huang Zhenyu
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 19-23.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.005
    Abstract     PDF(721KB)

    Full integration of professional education and innovation and entrepreneurship education is an important way to transform local application-oriented undergraduate colleges. At present, the integration of professional education and innovation and entrepreneurship education has the characteristics of one-sided, fragmented and superficial, which is not conducive to the achievement of the training goals of local. The integration of the entire value chain of professional education and innovation and entrepreneurship education should adhere to the values, codes of conduct and methods, and realize the integration and penetration of the entire teaching link and the entire teaching space of professional education and innovation and entrepreneurship education.

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    Teaching Reform and Thinking of Corrosion and Sealing Course Based on the Concept of Engineering Education Accreditation   Collect
    LIU Jindong, LIN Guoqing, LI Haorong, CHEN Qing
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 24-27.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.006
    Abstract     PDF(294KB)

    Under the background of new engineering education reform and innovation, according to the characteristics of our college and the actual situation of process equipment and control engineering specialty, starting from the current situation of curriculum construction under the engineering education accreditation system, in depth analysis of that at the same time. Combining with the characteristics of process equipment and control engineering specialty, the purpose was to explore the reform mode in education and thinking of corrosion and sealing course under the concept of engineering education accreditation, focusing on the engineering education accreditation concept of student-centered, achievement oriented and continuous improvement, so that students could easily accept the course knowledge, so as to further improve the teaching quality.

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    Research on the Creation and Application of Computer Common Course Online Learning Space Based on Online Presence   Collect
    BAI Xue
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 28-34.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.007
    Abstract     PDF(2088KB)

    Analyzing the correlation between online learning space and online presence. Taking the course "Database Technology and Application" which is one of the computer common courses in college as an example, the online learning space based on online presence is created. The functional design of the online learning space is expounded, and the implementation path of the online learning space teaching is illustrated with the case. With the support of data, analyzes the application effect from the perspectives of the change of online presence level of students in online learning space, the actual participation rate of various functions in online learning space and the preference of interactive activities. Furthermore, provides optimization countermeasures for construction online learning space which based on online presence.

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    The 24-style tai chi course contains an analysis of the advantages of thinking and educating people   Collect
    Jiao Husi, Sun Wei, Yang Zhilin
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 35-39.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.008
    Abstract     PDF(356KB)

    Taking the 24-style tai chi course of Jilin Chemical College as an example, using the literature method, from the macro point of view of the 24-style tai chi course fusion thinking and politics course, the intrinsic cultural value of tai chi sports itself is explored and explained, and put forward the unique advantages of the 24-style tai chi course in the course thinking and political practice, and expounds the basic ideas, basic principles and basic means of the 24-style tai chi course of Jilin Chemical Academy.

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    Analysis on G+S Teaching in Applied Undergraduate Colleges   Collect
    SU Xianchun
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 40-43.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.009
    Abstract     PDF(284KB)

    College classroom teaching can realize the individualized development of students by combining group teaching with situation teaching. The theoretical basis of the teaching method combining group teaching and situation teaching is the humanistic educational thought,constructivism learning theory, Tao Xingzhi's "little sir system" and Li Jilin's situation teaching theory. It should follow the principles of science, flexibility and education.The teaching method combining group teaching and situation teaching should pay attention to strengthening communication with students, focusing on the situation setting and comprehensiveness of teaching evaluation.This teaching method can improve students' learning initiative, comprehensive quality and class learning efficiency.

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    The Role of University Experimental Center in Laboratory Construction—Taking the College of Resources and Environmental Engineering of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology as an Example   Collect
    SUN Yan, TONG Liangliang, LI Yinghua, JIAN Yinghong
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 44-47.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.010
    Abstract     PDF(332KB)

    Based on the construction of the experimental center of the College of Resource and Environmental Engineering of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, this articl discusses the establishment of the experimental center, management mechanism and construction measures, and achievements, and establishes a set of effective operation mechanism and management mode of the experimental center. The establishment of the experimental center provides a strong support for the "engineering education professional certification" and "double first-class" undergraduate, simultaneously creates the good material condition for the teachers and students to carry out the scientific research activity and the specialized practice teaching.

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    The Construction of a New Pattern of the Same Frequency Resonance Between Knowledge Teaching and Value Guidance from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education   Collect
    YANG Li, WANG Li
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 48-52.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.06.011
    Abstract     PDF(321KB)

    The major mode of Ideological and political education is to cultivate students' knowledge, emotion, will, faith and behavior. The dialectical relationship between knowledge imparting and value leading is the important content. The new pattern construction of Ideological and political education is studied by using the methods of system analysis and dialectical thinking. From the research results, the ideological and political education is faced with the problems of attaching importance to ideological and political knowledge and theoretical teaching, ignoring the value penetration and habit formation. We should establish the great ideological and political concept of paying equal attention to knowledge imparting and value leading, construct the great ideological and political pattern of integrating the two, and promote the resonance and coordinated development of knowledge imparting and value leading.

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    Research on the ideological and political course of building dream of "Training project of Young Marxistst" in Jilin Province in the new era   Collect
    GAO Jingnan
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 53-55.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.012
    Abstract     PDF(291KB)

    In the process of carrying out the "Training project of Young Marxists", colleges and universities should take the ideological and political theory course as the main front to train the ideological and theoretical education of college students, so as to continuously optimize the long-term mechanism of ideological and political education of college students and form a synergistic effect. Through classroom teaching and after-class practice to carry out targeted education of ideals and beliefs and cultivation of patriotism, so that the "Young Marxist Training Project" can effectively play its role, cultivate qualified builders and reliable successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

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    Research on the Cultivation of Innovative Ability of Postgraduates in Local Universities under the Background of Modernization of Higher Education   Collect
    SONG Chenhu, ZHANG Ling
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 56-59.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.013
    Abstract     PDF(313KB)

    As an important part of educational modernization, the modernization of higher education plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the competitiveness of higher education. Under the background of higher education modernization, it is necessary for local colleges and universities to cultivate the innovation ability of postgraduates, and the problems existing in the cultivation of the innovation ability of Postgraduates in local colleges and universities are combed. On this basis, from the four aspects of attaching importance to the cultivation of graduate students' innovative consciousness, establishing a curriculum system combining theory with practice, creating a positive academic atmosphere for innovation and giving full play to the guiding role of dissertation in the cultivation of innovation ability, this paper explores the realization path of improving the innovation ability of local university graduate students under the background of higher education modernization.

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    The present situation and thinking of aesthetic education in local engineering colleges and universities   Collect
    XIE Yuchi
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 60-63.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.014
    Abstract     PDF(292KB)

    Youth League Committee, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin 132022,China Abstract: The opinions on strengthening aesthetic education in Colleges and universities in the new era (hereinafter referred to as the opinions) issued by the Ministry of education puts forward new requirements for strengthening and improving aesthetic education in Colleges and universities, and further emphasizes the importance and urgency of aesthetic education in Colleges and universities. This paper aims to clarify the current situation of aesthetic education in local engineering colleges and universities, further solve the problems in aesthetic education, explore the implementation ways of aesthetic education in engineering colleges and universities, and then systematically and comprehensively promote aesthetic education in practice.

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    An Analysis on the Way to optimize the school-enterprise cultivation environment of "double-professional" teachers in vocational colleges   Collect
    Sun Hao, Fan Shu
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 64-67.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.015
    Abstract     PDF(324KB)

    Under the background of continuous enrollment expansion, vocational colleges need to further strengthen the construction of "double-qualified" teachers.This paper expounds the connotation and significance of "double-qualified" teachers, analyzes the relevant factors affecting the cultivation environment of "double-qualified" teachers in vocational colleges from four dimensions: talent recruitment, assessment, government intervention and part-time teacher team management, and puts forward the optimization scheme.

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    Research and Solutions to "One Belt, One Road" Background of Jilin Province's Universities' Daily Management of Overseas Students   Collect
    ZHU Rui, DONG Yige
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 68-71.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.016
    Abstract     PDF(304KB)

    With the development of one's economic globalization, one belt, one road, the international cooperation between countries is becoming more and more frequent. After the "one belt and one road" initiative was put forward and launched, China's overseas students education is facing new opportunities and challenges. There are some problems in the management of overseas students. To strengthen the management of international students in China, the cooperative colleges and universities should strengthen the management of international students, strengthen the coordination and cooperation, and improve the attraction and effectiveness of overseas education in China.

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    Reflections on the Teaching Secretary Work of the Secondary Teaching Institutes in Universities   Collect
    PENG Yanyan, LU Dayong
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 72-75.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.018
    Abstract     PDF(301KB)

    The teaching secretary is the basic position in the teaching management  and assumes the central work in the teaching of universities. As the specific executor, the teaching secretary of the secondary teaching institute is related to the teaching operation and teaching quality. Combined with the experience of teaching secretary, expounds the main job functions of the teaching secretary in the secondary teaching institute of universities, introduces the present situation of the job requirements and gives some suggestions on how to improve the work efficiency.

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    Problems of Domestic Tourism Translation and the Countermeasures   Collect
    WANG Hongmi
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 76-79.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.018
    Abstract     PDF(328KB)

    With the rapid development of the domestic tourism industry, many problems have been exposed, such as the lack of service awareness, the lagging development of related industries, and so on, among which the problem of tourism translation is particularly prominent. The translation of many scenic spots is full of mistakes, which not only affects the tourism experience of foreign tourists, but also is not conducive to the promotion of foreign tourism. Therefore, to analyze the problems of tourism text translation and find out the corresponding solutions is the top priority to improve the development level of China's tourism industry.

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    A Comparative Study on the Differences of Face Concept between China and the West from the Perspective of Impoliteness   Collect
    QU Xuanyi
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 80-83.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.019
    Abstract     PDF(286KB)

    In recent years, the academic scholars have been trying to explore a new framework to study the face concept. Modern studies tend to study the face concept from the perspectives of identity, face in interaction, face in multi-culture and face in impoliteness. Based on Bousfield’ s impoliteness theory, this paper explores the differences between Chinese and Western concepts of face in impoliteness speech acts. It is found that there are differences between Chinese and Western perspectives on face in direct impolite discourse.

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    A study of character anaphora in Chinese narrative texts   Collect
    He Dawei, Cui Yaoqi, Ge Xiaoyu
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 84-87.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.020
    Abstract     PDF(341KB)

    Discourse anaphora is to observe the discourse characteristics of anaphora from the perspective of discourse. Character anaphora is the central element of generating and understanding narrative text, and its understanding directly affects the reader's (listener) understanding of the text. This paper uses natural narratives published in recent newspapers and media as the corpus to explore the three forms of noun anaphora, pronoun anaphora and zero anaphora commonly used in character anaphora, analyze their differences in use and explore the selection mechanism of anaphora forms.

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    Study on the Employment Effect of Minimum Wage Standard in Jilin Province   Collect
    BAI Li
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 88-92.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.021
    Abstract     PDF(328KB)

    Since our country promulgated the minimum wage system in 1993, with the government's vigorous promotion and the active cooperation of local governments, the minimum wage standard of various provinces and cities has gradually increased, the minimum wage standard's employment effect and income effect also become the object which the scholars pay attention to. Since the minimum wage standard of Jilin Province was established in 1995, it has gone through more than 20 years and been adjusted many times. Based on 20 years panel data of Jilin Province, this paper makes a theoretical and empirical study on the employment effect of the minimum wage standard of Jilin Province, and puts forward some countermeasures to promote the adjustment of the minimum wage standard of Jilin Province.

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    The Characteristics of Friendly Exchanges between China and Kazakhstan in the One Belt And One Road   Collect
    MA Xiaoyun
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 93-96.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.022
    Abstract     PDF(291KB)

    Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Kazakhstan, the relations between the two countries in political, economic and cultural fields have witnessed sound and stable development. Based on literature analysis, this paper studies the characteristics of exchanges between China and Kazakhstan under the background of the implementation of One Belt And One Road Initiative. The article holds that the most prominent feature of China-Kazakhstan friendly exchanges is the great friendship forged between the leaders of the two countries; Security and counter-terrorism are the cornerstones; Small, medium and micro business cooperation is a new driving force; Mutual learning between civilizations underpins their friendly exchanges.

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    The Double Dimension Interpretation of Ecological Feminism   Collect
    ZHANG Siyao
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 97-100.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.023
    Abstract     PDF(319KB)

    Ecological feminist theory is the product of the combination of contemporary Western feminist movement and ecological environmental protection movement. Its primary concern and theoretical basis lie in the relationship between the domination of women by men and the domination of nature by human beings, the criticism of the western patriarchal world view and the criticism of the modern western scientific view. Ecological feminism inherits and develops the feminist thought and ecological thought in theory, and provides a new ecological governance mode for the construction of socialist ecological civilization in practice.

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