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       Volume 38 Issue 4, 25 April 2021 Previous Issue  
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    Design and Practice of Organic Chemistry Virtual Simulation Experiment under the Background of “Golden Lesson”   Collect
    CHENG Leqin, YU Xue, YU Liying, LI Yanchun, ZHANG Yuewei
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 1-6.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.001
    Abstract     PDF(1983KB)

    Under the background of creating five “golden courses” in universities across the country, the construction of virtual simulation experimental teaching projects has gradually become a necessary part of talent training and discipline construction in the universities. The organic chemistry virtual simulation experiment is an important means of organic chemistry experiment teaching, which can complete the experiment that are difficult to carry out in real experiments, and is a good supplement to experiment teaching. Then this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of organic chemistry virtual simulation experiment and organic chemistry real experiment, and explored how to design the virtual simulation experiment of organic chemistry, follows the “Golden Course” standards.

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    The Construction of Application-oriented Institutes Basic Chemistry Laboratory Teaching and Management System of HSE under the Background of Engineering Education Accreditation   Collect
    SHEN Qihui, LV Yang, XUE Junli, ZHANG Dawei, ZHANG Jian, LI Shuangbao, LIU Yan, CHEN Zhe
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 7-9.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.002
    Abstract     PDF(293KB)

    Under the background of engineering education accreditation, the construction of health, safety and environment (HSE) management system of application-oriented institutes basic chemistry laboratory was described. The related problems existing in basic chemistry laboratory were analyzed. The construction of HSE system of basic chemistry laboratory was discussed from three aspects of laboratory safety, environmental and health management.

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    Research on "micro-learning" Digital Resource Construction and Its Utility Evaluation Under the New Hybrid Learning Mode   Collect
    ZHANG Hong, ZHANG Wei, LIU Bo
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 10-13.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.003
    Abstract     PDF(818KB)

    In order to meet the modern development trend and highlight the characteristics of Internet teaching, this paper combines modern teaching methods with "Internet" effectively based on "544" digital network platform and WeChat public platform. A hierarchical analysis method for quantitative evaluation of micro-learning is proposed, which replaces the general and vague subjective evaluation with objective and clear sub-score.The practice shows that the new mixed learning model based on Internet technology provides students with high quality and convenient learning resources, and the teaching effect is remarkable.

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    Teaching Reform of MCU Based on Online and Offline Hybrid Large Class Flipping   Collect
    WANG Ying, XU Jiaojiao, LIU Qi, ZHANG Ye
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 14-18.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.004
    Abstract     PDF(2773KB)

    Under the background of the rapid development of the electronic industry, the role of single-chip microcomputer course is becoming more and more important for students. However, students are not easy to learn and have no interest in learning the course. They regard themselves as the audience, which leads to the course content that students master can not keep up with the pace of the development of the times.This paper puts forward the teaching reform ideas of online and offline hybrid large class flipped, combines online autonomous learning with the offline flip teaching, and the students learn the basic theory independently through the network platform, and the knowledge extension part is carried out in the multimedia classroom in the form of flip classroom. To make students targeted learning, improve the enthusiasm of learning micro-computer knowledge, through the results of teachers and students to prove that the teaching reform has achieved certain results.

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    Research of Teaching on Computer Foundation for Non-professionals   Collect
    HE Tengjiao, YANG Changlin, JIANG Bin
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 19-22.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.005
    Abstract     PDF(992KB)

    Computer Foundation is a basic computer course for students in non-computer majors. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the basic ability to use the technology and methods in the field of computer science to solve scientific problems in their subject. However, with the rapid development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, as well as the increasing demand for interdisciplinary integration, the current curriculum content and teaching methods of computer foundation require to be improved. Through analysis of the current problems in this course, new teaching mode is investigated from course content, competition orientation and teacher training.

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    The Application of Mind Map as an Auxiliary Teaching Tool in the Preparation of Theoretical Courses in Colleges and Universities   Collect
    Xin Bingjing, Li Peng, Luo Lisha, Yu Fengli, Hui Yuanfeng
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 23-26.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.006
    Abstract     PDF(2014KB)

    In the process of teaching, full and perfect lesson preparation is the premise to ensure the quality of classroom teaching. How to quickly and deeply understand the syllabus and teaching materials, and how to understand the course content from the perspective of students are the problems that teachers need to solve in the preparation of theoretical courses. In the stage of lesson preparation, using mind map as an effective auxiliary teaching tool can help teachers master the overall content of the course more comprehensively and clearly.

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    Exploration of "Genetics" Blended Teaching Mode Based on Network Teaching Platform   Collect
    DING Wenqiao, WANG Nannan
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 27-29.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.007
    Abstract     PDF(702KB)

    With the rapid development of information technology, the traditional classroom teaching mode has been unable to meet the needs of training innovative talents. Based on the application of modern education theory, relying on the network teaching platform, the online and offline, traditional and modern organic combination. The application of Blended Teaching Mode in genetics can not only cultivate students' autonomous learning ability, but also broaden and update genetics teaching.

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    The Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Work in the Course of Material Specialty under the Background of New Engineering   Collect
    Wang Xin, Jang Feng, Suo Zhongyuan, Liu Xiangling, Lv Haibo
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 30-32.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.008
    Abstract     PDF(285KB)

    Under the background of the new engineering course, starting from the current situation of the professional courses of materials, through the mixed teaching mode of the online platform and the offline class, this paper naturally integrates the ideological and political contents of the courses into the professional courses, and guides the students to carry out career planning and patriotism, practical Innovation, optimistic upward to achieve their own value, to become the needs of the new era of composite materials engineering professionals.

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    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Undergraduates’ Performance in the study of Outline of Chinese Modern History   Collect
    LI Zhi
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 33-36.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.009
    Abstract     PDF(352KB)

    It is one the most important ways for the political teacher in the college to summarize and analyze the current undergraduates’ learning and trend of the political courses, which promotes the quality of study level. In the course of Outline of Chinese Modern History, the undergraduates always have many contrast performance, because of clastic knowledge, absent problem’s awareness, neglect of political courses’ importance. So, the teacher should enrich the content of teaching, build system of self-awareness and manage the ways of examination, should make up the weaknesses in the course of teaching and solve the undergraduates’ problems.

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    A Preliminary Study On Teaching Supervision In Secondary Colleges of Our Institute   Collect
    DONG Wei, JIANG Wei
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 37-39.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.010
    Abstract     PDF(305KB)

    In this paper, the research on the current situation of secondary colleges supervision work in institute, this paper expounds the necessity of secondary college teaching supervision work there, on the basis of the combination of the secondary college teaching supervision work practice to establish a suitable secondary college supervision work mechanism, secondary colleges supervision work is proved reasonable and effective supervision is necessary to improve the quality of teaching, and plays an important role to communicate and coordinate the needs of the relationship among education management department, teachers and students.

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    Strengthen The Cultivation and Practice of Socialist Core Values of Postgraduate Patriotism In The New Era   Collect
    Zhao Fei, Yang Daizhu, Chen Lingling, Bai Yilong
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 40-43.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.011
    Abstract     PDF(320KB)

    This paper analyzes the current situation of postgraduate patriotism and socialist core values education in the new era, and studies and discusses the synergy between educators, families, schools and society.

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    Promote The Application of Chinese Excellent Historical Allusions in The Teaching of Ideological and Political Courses   Collect
    CHEN Xiaochen
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 44-48.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.012
    Abstract     PDF(355KB)

    According to the practical application of Chinese excellent historical allusions in the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, the core functions of historical allusions have been ignored, students’ cognition has been deviated, teachers’ abilities are still insufficient, and the application effect has been poor. Teaching resources, teaching ability, teaching methods, teaching practice and other paths solve the predicament, and effectively promote the application of Chinese excellent historical allusions in the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities.

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    The construction of aesthetic education work system in local colleges and universities from the perspective of "three wholes education" -- Take Jilin University of Chemical Technology as an example   Collect
    XIE Yuchi
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 49-51.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.013
    Abstract     PDF(286KB)

    Since the State Council issued "about deepening education reform, comprehensively promote quality education decision", attaches great importance to aesthetic education work of Jilin institute of chemical technology, schools to "three education" for the idea, "training" as the goal, classroom teaching as the main body, the second classroom and arts community as the carrier, efforts to build everyone oriented aesthetic education work system, after years of efforts, the school has achieved remarkable achievement in the aesthetic education work, this paper aims to Jilin chemical college aesthetic education work system, build a comprehensive introduction of the hope to provide beneficial reference and try the aesthetic education in local colleges.

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    Create the Patriotism EducationResearch of Jilin Province's Red Resource IP Synergy with Colleges and Universities   Collect
    SHI Jun
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 52-56.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.014
    Abstract     PDF(330KB)

    As an important part of the spirit of the Chinese nation, the red resources of Jilin Province are unique historical and human resources in Jilin Province. They are the continuation of excellent culture and excellent national spirit, and their role in the development of patriotic education for contemporary college students should not be underestimated. This article sorts out and excavates the teaching resources of patriotism in Jilin Province, builds the red resource IP of Jilin Province, uses it in multiple channels, so as to achieve the teaching goal of improving the effectiveness of patriotism education for college students and cultivate the patriotism spirit of college students.

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    A Probe into the Compilation Process of the "14th Five-Year" Development Plan for Universities   Collect
    TAO Zhongliang
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 57-60.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.015
    Abstract     PDF(279KB)

    The "14th Five-Year" development plan for colleges and universities is the development guide for the school in the next five years. The scientific preparation and implementation of the plan will greatly enhance the school's core competitiveness, lead the school's future career development, comprehensively improve the level of school running, and consolidate the foundation for development and construction. Has a very important meaning. The meticulous design of the planning preparation process is crucial to the preparation of high-level planning. The preparation process must comprehensively consider a series of practical issues such as the current development of the school, career development problems, talent training, and discipline construction, and adhere to seeking truth from facts, scientific planning, and stability.

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    Research on the current situation and development strategy of university information disclosure from the perspective of governance modernization   Collect
    LU Mei
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 61-64.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.016
    Abstract     PDF(271KB)

    Trough ten years of practice and exploration, the information publicity in Colleges and universities has achieved phased results in theoretical basis, practical application and other aspects. Based on the current situation of information disclosure in Colleges and universities and the perspective of modernization of governance, this paper makes innovative strategic research on the objective significance, ways and methods of information disclosure in Colleges and universities in the new era.

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    Research on the Introduction and Use of Foreign High-quality Educational Resources in Chinese-foreign Cooperatively-run Schools at Undergraduate Level   Collect
    ZHU Rui, DONG Yige
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 65-67.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.017
    Abstract     PDF(275KB)

    The introduction of foreign high-quality educational resources is the essence and core of sino-foreign cooperative education projects. How to introduce high-quality educational resources and how to improve the utilization rate of high-quality educational resources have a direct impact on the effect of cooperative education. This paper sorts out the characteristics of high-quality educational resources, and puts forward some countermeasures on the basis of sorting out the problems of introducing high-quality educational resources, in order to promote the sustainable development of Sino-foreign cooperative education.

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    Strengthen the Dormitory Culture Construction,Promote the Study Style Enhancement   Collect
    GU Weiduo
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 68-70.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.018
    Abstract     PDF(301KB)

    Dormitory culture is an important and inseparable part of campus culture, which has profound connotation and unique function. In order to cultivate students' good living habits, create a warm educational environment and stimulate students' interest in learning, colleges and universities should strengthen dormitory culture construction through education, management and assistance. Through the creation of advanced dormitory culture, the comprehensive quality of college students is constantly improved, and then promote the steady improvement of the style of study. Therefore, it is necessary to build a high quality dormitory culture in the campus, improve the quality of talent training, train students into qualified builders and successors, and complete the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue.

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    SWOT-PEST analysis and Development Strategy research of reading Promotion in local university libraries under the new media environment   Collect
    XU Jianfeng, ZHOU Liyuan
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 71-77.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.019
    Abstract     PDF(649KB)

    The emergence of new media brings an opportunity to the development of reading promotion services in local university libraries. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, the article describes the current situation of the reading promotion service of local university libraries under the new media environment, and uses the SWOT-PEST analysis method to conduct the internal and external environment of the reading promotion work of local university libraries under the new media environment. Based on the detailed analysis, the development strategy of local university library reading promotion under the new media environment is proposed.

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    Research on the Innovative Strategies of Library's Reading Promotion Service in the Background of Cultural and Tourism Integration   Collect
    TA Chengcheng
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 78-80.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.020
    Abstract     PDF(252KB)

    The development of cultural and tourism integration has provided more guarantee for the realization of in-depth exploration of the cultural industry and tourism industry. The library reading promotion service is gradually tilted towards the integration of cultural and tourism, enabling the integration of cultural and tourism to obtain reading materials collection and information sharing. Therefore, with the integration of culture and tourism as the background, the strategic and innovative exploration of library reading promotion services has important research value that cannot be ignored. Based on this, this article clarifies the implementation principles of library reading promotion service innovation, and then briefly discusses the importance of library reading promotion service innovation. Finally, proposes an innovative strategy for library reading promotion services: a combination of bringing in, going out, and sinking. , To create a benign atmosphere; relying on cultural tourism towns, tourist attractions, etc. to activate service content; online and offline integration to promote diversification of service forms.

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    On the management of Academic Exchange Archives   Collect
    WANG Yanjie, WANG Yanqiu
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 81-83.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.021
    Abstract     PDF(261KB)

    With the development of talent training mode, new ideas emerge,Academic Exchange as a way of cultural exchange,to promote the common development of teachers. This paper analyzes the content and importance of academic exchange archives,some suggestions on the management of Academic Exchange Archives are put forward:To establish and improve the management system of Academic Exchange Archives;strengthen the training of professional knowledge of file management;strengthening the display of achievements in academic exchanges;introducing information construction into the management of Academic Exchange Archives.

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    The Discourse Analysis in the Lines of Fantasy Film from the Perspective of Impoliteness   Collect
    QU Xuanyi
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 84-88.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.022
    Abstract     PDF(332KB)

    As the antithesis of politeness studies, the study of impoliteness becomes a hot spot in pragmatics. In this paper, Bousfield's impoliteness theory is used as an analytical foundation to study the impolite expressions of dialogue in the classic fantasy film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This paper focuses on the following two research questions: 1, how direct and indirect impolite discourses are distributed in movie dialogues; 2, what are the prominent forms of the two discourses. Meanwhile, the author further analyzes the different characteristics of the film characters through the film dialogue in the impolite words.

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    On the change and development of urban residents' leisure consumption in China   Collect
    WU Duo
    Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(4): 89-92.   doi:10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2021.04.023
    Abstract     PDF(327KB)

    In the new period, the leisure consumption of urban residents has gradually become an important form of consumption. Based on the characteristics of "demand-oriented" consumption of urban residents in the new period, this paper analyzes the practical difficulties restricting the leisure consumption of urban residents from four aspects: product planning, infrastructure, product development and industrial publicity. Combined with the demand of urban residents and the restricting factors of leisure consumption development in China, this paper starts from four aspects: strengthening the guidance of industrial planning, strengthening the industrial development chain, improving the quality of product service and strengthening the publicity of leisure products, so as to enhance the development ability of China's leisure industry and meet the leisure consumption demand of the public.

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