压电泵在喷墨打印机连供系统上应用研究" /> 压电泵在喷墨打印机连供系统上应用研究" /> Research on the Piezoelectric Pump Application in Continuous Ink Supply System of the Inkjet Printer" /> <span class="fontstyle0">Research on the Piezoelectric Pump Application in Continuous Ink Supply System of the Inkjet Printer</span>
Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2018, 35(3): 15-18    doi: 10.16039/j.cnki.cn22-1249.2018.03.004
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Research on the Piezoelectric Pump Application in Continuous Ink Supply System of the Inkjet Printer
SUN Xiao-feng,YU Wen-xin,ZHU Ming-wei,JIE Meng,JIANG De-lon