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吉林化工学院学报, 2021, 38(6): 24-27
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吉林化工学院 机电工程学院,吉林 吉林,132022
Teaching Reform and Thinking of Corrosion and Sealing Course Based on the Concept of Engineering Education Accreditation
LIU Jindong,LIN Guoqing,LI Haorong,CHEN Qing
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关键词:  工程教育认证  腐蚀与密封  教学改革     

Under the background of new engineering education reform and innovation, according to the characteristics of our college and the actual situation of process equipment and control engineering specialty, starting from the current situation of curriculum construction under the engineering education accreditation system, in depth analysis of that at the same time. Combining with the characteristics of process equipment and control engineering specialty, the purpose was to explore the reform mode in education and thinking of corrosion and sealing course under the concept of engineering education accreditation, focusing on the engineering education accreditation concept of student-centered, achievement oriented and continuous improvement, so that students could easily accept the course knowledge, so as to further improve the teaching quality.

Key words:  Engineering education accreditation    Corrosion and sealing    Reform in education
               出版日期:  2021-06-25      发布日期:  2021-06-25      整期出版日期:  2021-06-25
ZTFLH:  G642  
刘金东, 林国庆, 李浩荣, 陈庆. 基于工程教育认证理念下《腐蚀与密封》课程的教学改革与思考研究 [J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2021, 38(6): 24-27.
LIU Jindong, LIN Guoqing, LI Haorong, CHEN Qing. Teaching Reform and Thinking of Corrosion and Sealing Course Based on the Concept of Engineering Education Accreditation . Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2021, 38(6): 24-27.
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