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吉林化工学院学报, 2018, 35(12): 9-12
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吉林化工学院 资源与环境工程学院
Some Thoughts and Practice of Constructing the Practice Base for Excellent Engineer Training Program for Environmental Engineering Majors
CHEN Li-bo, DONG Chun-xin, LU Wen-long, BAO Hai-feng
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关键词:  卓越工程师  实习基地  环境工程     

In this paper, the blueprint and principles for constructing the Base for Excellent Engineer Training are proposed based on the "Guidelines of the Ministry of Education for Implementing Excellent Engineer Training Program". The overall training procedure, the practice bases selection methods and the cooperation framework agreement with practice bases are introduced in details. The management of the practice procedure are developed and the practice contents with new evaluation approaches are designed to provide a solid base to achieve the goal of Excellent Engineer Training Program.

Key words:  excellent engineers    practice base    environmental engineering
               出版日期:  2018-12-25      发布日期:  2018-12-25      整期出版日期:  2018-12-25
ZTFLH:  G521  
陈立波, 董春欣, 陆文龙, 包海峰. 环境工程专业“卓越工程师培养计划”实习基地建设的几点思考和作法 [J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2018, 35(12): 9-12.
CHEN Li-bo, DONG Chun-xin, LU Wen-long, BAO Hai-feng. Some Thoughts and Practice of Constructing the Practice Base for Excellent Engineer Training Program for Environmental Engineering Majors . Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2018, 35(12): 9-12.
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