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吉林化工学院学报, 2020, 37(8): 35-38
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吉林化工学院机电工程学院,吉林 吉林,132022
Teaching Reform and Exploration of Process Equipment Design Course Based on Professional Certification
LIN Guoqing,CHENG Xuejing,CHEN Qing,SHI Dai*
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关键词:  过程设备设计  教学目标  毕业要求  专业认证  工程素养     

According to the characteristics of the course "process equipment design", the teaching objectives of the course are formulated. In order to enable students to meet the basic conditions for graduation, discussed from the teaching methods, teaching ways, teaching contents and assessment methods combined with the concept of engineering education professional certification about the course, so as to lay a theoretical foundation for the cultivation of application-oriented talents with certain engineering qualities.

Key words:  process equipment design    teaching objectives    graduation requirements    engineering education professional certification    engineering qualities
               出版日期:  2020-08-25      发布日期:  2020-08-25      整期出版日期:  2020-08-25
ZTFLH:  G642  
林国庆, 程学晶, 陈庆, 时黛. 基于专业认证的《过程设备设计》课程教学改革与探索 [J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2020, 37(8): 35-38.
LIN Guoqing, CHENG Xuejing, CHEN Qing, SHI Dai. Teaching Reform and Exploration of Process Equipment Design Course Based on Professional Certification . Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2020, 37(8): 35-38.
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