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吉林化工学院学报, 2019, 36(4): 80-84
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河南科技大学 外国语学院
Analysis of the Localization Translation Problems of Enterprise Foreign Publicity and the Countermeasures: A Case Study of Henan Province
LI Xiaojing
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关键词:  本地化翻译  跨文化交际  问题  对策     

Under the "going global" strategy of China's economic development, enterprises play a mainstay role. The adaptability and acceptability of the publicity page translation is the basis and premise for the success of the "going out" business. Localized translation is based on the needs of target language to solve language and cross-cultural communication problems. In the past, scholars paid more attention to the linguistic issues of web page translation than to the influence of cultural differences on the acceptability of information in the target language. This paper, taking Henan enterprises as examples, discusses the problems existing in foreign publicity web pages from the perspective of localization translation and the corresponding solutions, hoping to help enterprises expand their international business.

Key words:  localization translating    intercultural communication    problems    countermeasures
               出版日期:  2019-04-25      发布日期:  2019-04-25      整期出版日期:  2019-04-25
ZTFLH:  H315.9  
李晓静. 企业外宣网页本地化翻译问题分析及对策研究——以河南为例 [J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2019, 36(4): 80-84.
LI Xiaojing. Analysis of the Localization Translation Problems of Enterprise Foreign Publicity and the Countermeasures: A Case Study of Henan Province . Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2019, 36(4): 80-84.
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