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吉林化工学院学报, 2019, 36(10): 49-52
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吉林化工学院 航空工程学院
On Talent Cultivation Mode for Aircraft Electro-Mechanic Equipment Maintenance based on Craftsmanship
QU Wenying
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关键词:  人才培养模式  工匠精神  航空维修     

By integrating spirit of craftsmanship into the cultivation process of aircraft electro-mechanic equipment maintenance talents, this paper aims to introduce the process of setting goals of cultivating personnel according to the demand of employment after the discussion with corporate and industrial experts. The cultivation of craftsmanship permeates into the whole teaching process through enhancing the foundation and appreciating practice teaching. In the end, by combining internal and external practice and introducing enterprise culture, the students' professional qualities improve through promotion of the teachers' level, reform of teaching content, teaching methods and assessment methods.

Key words:  talent-cultivation mode    craftsmanship    aviation maintenance
               出版日期:  2019-10-25      发布日期:  2019-10-25      整期出版日期:  2019-10-25
ZTFLH:  G420  
瞿文影. 基于工匠精神的飞机机电设备维修专业人才培养模式的研究 [J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2019, 36(10): 49-52.
QU Wenying. On Talent Cultivation Mode for Aircraft Electro-Mechanic Equipment Maintenance based on Craftsmanship . Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2019, 36(10): 49-52.
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