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吉林化工学院学报, 2019, 36(10): 4-6
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吉林化工学院 研究生学院
Research and Exploration on the Integration of Chinese Traditional Culture into the Cultivation of Postgraduates' Literacy
YANG Daizhu
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关键词:  中国传统文化  研究生  素养培育     

With the deepening of global cultural exchanges and more frequent cultural conflicts in contemporary society, traditional Chinese culture, as an important part of the moral education and spiritual civilization construction of the Chinese nation, is facing a huge test in the process of integrating into the cultivation of postgraduate literacy. This paper makes a deep study on the ways to integrating Chinese traditional culture into the cultivation of postgraduates' quality, aiming at integrating traditional culture into their ideological and political education.

Key words:  Chinese traditional culture    postgraduates    cultivation of literacy
               出版日期:  2019-10-25      发布日期:  2019-10-25      整期出版日期:  2019-10-25
ZTFLH:  G416  
杨戴竹. 中国传统文化融入研究生素养培育的研究探索 [J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2019, 36(10): 4-6.
YANG Daizhu. Research and Exploration on the Integration of Chinese Traditional Culture into the Cultivation of Postgraduates' Literacy . Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2019, 36(10): 4-6.
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