The Construction of Core Curriculum System for Application-oriented Undergraduates and Its Teaching Practice: A Case Study of the Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering Major of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
ZHENG Jinhui, LI Yan
School of Aeronautical
Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin132102, China
Abstract: With the goal of cultivating talents in the field of Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering in
application-oriented undergraduate colleges, this paper first analyzes the current situation and existing problems in the construction of the core courses in Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering. Then, it explores the talent cultivation model from the aspects of school-enterprise cooperation and integrated development, effective teaching and research activities, and PDCA cycle. Finally, the effectiveness of talent cultivation after the reform is summarized.
郑金辉, 李研. 面向应用型本科的核心课程体系建设及其教学实践 ——以吉林化工学院飞行器制造工程专业为例[J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2024, 41(8): 15-19.
ZHENG Jinhui, LI Yan. The Construction of Core Curriculum System for Application-oriented Undergraduates and Its Teaching Practice: A Case Study of the Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering Major of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology. Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2024, 41(8): 15-19.