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吉林化工学院学报, 2018, 35(6): 30-32
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吉林化工学院 石油化工学院
Research and Practice of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Majors' Innovative and Practical Ability
CHEN Bin,Xu Hong-jun
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摘要 在创新型国家战略举措的大背景下,我国急需一批高素质的工程师,但是目前大学生培养仍存在薄弱的环节,毕业生的实践能力远远不能满足要求。为了提高储运专业学生的工程实践能力,让学生能够学以致用,对本专业培养体系进行改革,通过提高实训环节的占学时的比例,增加设计性实验、对课程体系和授课方式进行改革,使学生有更多的机会动手操作,提高学生的工程实践能力,让学生朝着卓越工程师的目标更近一步。
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关键词:  卓越工程师  工程实践  教学体系  改革    
Abstract: In the context of innovative national strategic initiatives, China has an urgent need for large numbers of highly qualified engineers. However, there are still weak links in the cultivation of college students at present, and the practical ability of graduates is far from satisfying the demands. To improve the students' engineering ability and encourage the students study with the purpose of application, the cultivation scheme is revised: the proportion of teaching hours in the experiment and fieldwork such as designing experiment has been increased, and the course system and teaching methods have been reformed. In this way, we can provide more opportunities for our students to operate on their own, and this helps to improve the students' engineering ability and helps the students to step closer to the goal of becoming an excellent engineer.
Key words:  outstanding engineers    engineering practice    teaching system    reform
               出版日期:  2018-06-25      发布日期:  2018-06-25      整期出版日期:  2018-06-25
ZTFLH:  G642  
陈斌, 徐洪军. 油气储运专业学生创新与实践能力培养的研究与实践[J]. 吉林化工学院学报, 2018, 35(6): 30-32.
CHEN Bin, Xu Hong-jun. Research and Practice of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Majors' Innovative and Practical Ability. Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, 2018, 35(6): 30-32.
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