Studyon Vibration with Circuit Simulation ethod
FENG Wei,ZHAO Songqin,MA Xiuhua
This article analyzed the equation of forced vibration and the Kirchhol’'s voltage law of RLC series circuit , and established the corresponding relationship between mechanical and electrical quantities ,in order to solve the vibration problem by circuit analysis method, Based on the mature circuit simulation plat for msimulation circuits were built for different vibration types , and different vibration conditions were simulated by adjusting the parameters of circuit components , and the vibration information was obtained by measuring the circuit signals. According to the simulation results , damped vibrations , resonance results and non-sinusoid alperiodic driving force were discussed, The results showed that the use of circuit simulation method to study vibration problems can be used as a supplement to the content of Bohr resonance experiment.
Published: 25 December 2024